Bristol Beacon Work Experience Week
Bristol Beacon is inviting 10 young people in Year 10 from across Bristol to come behind the scenes and join us for a week of work experience from 7th-11th July 2025.
This will include:
- Finding out about the work of Bristol Beacon and how we run our world class music venue.
- Learning about the different roles and opportunities for working within music and the arts, through masterclasses from across our departments including Creative Learning and Engagement, Marketing, Technical and Programming
- Backstage tours of our venues and facilities
- Attending live performances
- Working within a team throughout the week to create your own event which will take place on the last day.
If you have an interest in music, would like to find out more about how a music venue or arts organisation is run and have a willingness to try new things, we can offer a creative and interesting week in the world of live music.
As places are limited, we are putting in place some additional application criteria to ensure that we support those who have traditionally been under-represented in the arts to take up this opportunity.
You can apply for our work experience week if you are aged 14-15, in Year 10, live in Bristol and meet one of the criteria below. Our criteria are designed to help reduce barriers within the arts to those who might not have as much access to opportunities. We suggest that you have a chat with a parent/guardian or one of your teachers around how you might meet the following criteria:
- Neither of your parents went to university
- Your household income is below £25,000 per year
- Your family receive Universal Credit
- You are currently in care or have been in care
- You are eligible for free school meals
- You have a learning difficulty (such as dyslexia)
- You have a disability*
- You are a refugee or asylum seeker
- You are a young parent
- You are a young carer
- You would describe yourself as having a diverse background - Bristol Beacon have a strong commitment to Equal Opportunities. This includes not discriminating under the Equality Act 2010 and encouraging interest in our work from people with diverse backgrounds including ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and disability.
*You are disabled under the Equality Act 2010 if you have a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term negative effect on your ability to do normal daily activities.
Two of our ten work experience places will be reserved for those who have a disability or learning difficulty.
How to Apply:
Please complete our online application form or you can compile a video application for the ‘about you’ questions using a YouTube link or WeTransfer and send it to before the deadline. If you decide to send us a video, please complete your personal, contact and criteria details and the Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form in the online application form and enter N/A in the ‘about you’ questions.
All applicants who meet the criteria will be invited to meet us for an informal chat. We ask for the diversity data in our Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form to ensure that we are meeting our diversity commitments and creating inclusive opportunities.
Applications close on Tuesday 11th February 2025 9.00am.
Unfortunately we are currently unable to offer work experience outside of this week for young people aged 16 and under. If you are over 16 please keep a look out for future opportunities. For any questions or further information please email